Thursday, July 29, 2010

14 weeks!

I have finally started to pop out a little bit with baby now! I finally feel like i'm pregnant and not just fat anymore. I've lost about 10 lbs though - but not due to morning sickness. No idea why, but I'm not complaining! We got a fetal doppler a week ago too and have been listening to baby all the time! Its such a great re-assurance to have at our fingers.

Bad news is that our insurance will not cover our birth center. Since they're not "tricare authorized" i cannot even get covered there at out of network rates. Apparently even though they have "in network" and "out of network".. you still have to be tricare authorized to even have your business covered by them, and according to the birth center, that costs 5k! Ridiculous.

So, i've applied for pregnancy medicaid because the birth center IS covered under that. Otherwise, we will have to pay 3.5k out of pocket. It was a fight to even have tricare cover my past visits with the birth center. I had been re-assured by 4 customer service reps we would be covered. Then my birth center got a call saying that they would not be covered due to them not opting to pay for tricare authorization. After talking to a supervisor's supervisor, they FINALLY stated that the error was on their end which is why 4 people said I'd be covered. Apparently they had the birth center in their system erroneously. I stated since it was their error, THEY should be liable for my visit and ultrasound. They agreed.

I plan on writing a letter to the attorney general about this situation. I should be able to see my birth center for continuation of care without having to pay thousands out of my pocket. I feel tricare should hold this responsibility, but hey, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

Onto good things. 2 pictures and a video!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

12 weeks today!

We just hit the 12 week mark! We have a couple big things coming up. This friday we are having a NT/Defects scan. Basically, its a really long ultrasound where the tech makes sure there isnt any major issues with baby (downs, cleft palate/lip, things like that). They could make a gender determination at that time, but of course we are leaving it a surprise!

We will also get a DVD of the ultrasound and a CD with some still shots.

Then, next week on the 20th we have our first midwife appointment! All so very exciting stuff coming up!

Here is a neat comparison - 5 week picture versus 12 week picture:

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week 9

Well, I had posted something a few days ago and I just now see it did not post. Bummer. Well, here's a day early post ;)

We're settled into Florida now and moving into our house tomorrow actually, though our things do not arrive until Friday. It will be nice to make stuff for dinner instead of fast food and easy crap!

Met with the midwife and birthing facility this week - seems like a perfect fit. My first appointment is on the 20th of July where they will go over everything and HOPEFULLY find a heartbeat on the dopplar. I will try to record it if she'll let me!

Anyway, here's my 9 week picture.

Rob's portion of the blog: I liked the birthing center.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Saw the heartbeat!

Sorry, day late updating this!

On Friday, we had a routine checkup and got to have an ultrasound to try to find the baby. Luckily, the doc had no problem finding the baby! We even got to see the heartbeat!! It is too early to *hear* the heartbeat - typically can't hear it until 10 weeks according to the doc. I only gained 1 lb, so that was fantastic news.

Morning sickness comes and goes, some days are fine, some days really suck. It's very random. We picked up some cloth diapers. We plan on completely cloth diapering this baby and only having one small container of disposables in case of emergency.

Here are the ultrasound pictures:

Monday, May 31, 2010

6 weeks!

Tomorrow will be our 6 week mark! Today morning sickness kicked in. Had a great breakfast of cinnamon toast crunch followed up with some OJ. Watched some TV, went to lay down on the floor while watching tv and got sick. Let me just say, OJ coming back up HURTS.

Friday is our ultrasound! Doc hopes to see the baby's heartbeat by then too :)

Rob's portion of the blog: "Pregnant women are scary."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5 week update

Feeling great, no sickness, no cramping, just minor tenderness in the breasts.

Ultrasound on June 4th.


Rob and I are going to maintain this blog, we will be updating every Monday! Info about the baby, Tampa, etc! Make sure to check back every monday for a new update.